Editor's Picks
Editor's picks
The editors, the influencers, the commentators - essentially, the who's who of the online world have picked their favourite StyleRocks Christmas jewellery.
From influential bloggers to retailing giants to fashion trend-setters around the globe, these editors know some beautiful jewellery when they find it.
This week we see what the editors have on their StyleRocks wish list. Eri, MD of online retailing platform Hardtofind, Caroline, blogger & designer of nectar&stone, and Ella of The Court Jeweller, have selected a range of gemstone jewellery, rings, bangles and cufflinks. To read more about these editors choices, read the full blog post here.
It's not just these influencers: Charlotte, editor of HRH Duchess Kate Blogspot, Courtney, Jewellery Concierge from JewelStreet, and Niki, Editor of HerWorld Plus Singapore, Alexandra of the Sydney Morning Herald and Susan of royal blogger WhatKateWore fame, have all curated their favourite items. Read about this in our blog posts here and here.
But don't forget to browse the beautiful jewellery below, with Christmas just around the corner!